Pia Wilson

Pia Wilson is a 2017 NJPAC Stage Exchange commissioned playwright, 2017 resident with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Process Space program, 2015 Sundance fellow, and a recipient of the 2014 Sarah Verdone Writing Award. She is a 2012-2013 resident with LMCC’s Workspace program, a member of the 2008 Emerging Writers Group at The Public Theater, and a 2009 playwriting fellow with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Her play BACK TO THE REAL will be produced by Crossroads Theatre in May 2018, and Drew University produced her play, DOWN NECK, in February 2018. Her drama TURNING THE GLASS AROUND was produced by Workspace Collective, and her play,  GENERATION T, was produced at Adelphi University in 2014. Her play, THE FLOWER THIEF, was a 2012 co-production between Horse Trade Theater Group and The Fire This Time play festival.


Twitter & Instagram: @pwilson720

Pia Wilson contributes with a Rapid Response Play to the OIT reading on the 14th March 2018.

Om oitadmin

Oslo Internasjonale Teater (OIT) presenterte internasjonal samtidsdramatikk som ikke tidligere har vært spilt i Norge fra 2009 - 2018. OIT ble drevet av det internasjonale teaterkollektivet Imploding Fictions.
Dette innlegget ble publisert i Dramatikere. Bokmerk permalenken.